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Dear students,

It's almost time to sign up for the career courses of the summer term 2025. Considering this, we would like to draw your attention to the following event: "Career Lunch: Study at UC Berkeley" on March 11, 2025. Within this info session, you will be informed about the opportunity to write your master thesis at UC Berkeley or participate in the Berkeley Summer Session. More details below in the newsletter.

Your MCI-Team
#myMCINews #getinformed #MCInsights

New Partners aboard

We are happy that also in 2025 we got new Premium Partners! Check out the online profiles of our new career partners now.

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Career Courses

Don’t forget: Registration for our career courses for the spring semester starts on February 1, 2025. This way you can gain additional competencies in various topics.

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Language Courses

Add value to your semester abroad, gain a competitive advantage on the job market and have fun - these are just three of many reasons to enroll in one of our language courses. Registration ends on February 27, 2025.

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Chinese New Year Event

MCI China Center and Language Center invite you to the Chinese Lunar New Year Event “The Year of The Snake” 蛇年春节 on February 5, 2025. There are no entrance fees and in total 60 seats available.

Register here

Career Lunch: Study at UC Berkeley

Have you ever thought about getting international experience at one of the most prestigious universities in the world? Write your master thesis or spend your summer at UC Berkeley.

Register now

MCI Sustainability Week 2025

We are already in the middle of planning for this year's MCI Sustainability Week. This year the week will take place from May 19-23. So stay tuned and get ready to join the sustainability movement at MCI.

More info

Gain Real-World Experience with the CURATE Incubator Programme

Are you a Bachelor or Master student interested in the intersection of AI and entrepreneurship? If so, the CURATE Incubator Programme is your chance to earn 5 ECTS while gaining practical experience. This programme will equip you with the skills to develop viable business solutions using AI and design thinking.

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Participate and win great prizes!

The City of Innsbruck's new digital participation platform has been online since January 16, 2025. Contribute your ideas and suggestions and help shape the Innsbruck of tomorrow. The first 50 published suggestions will be entered into a prize draw to win an IVB annual ticket and several IKB value tickets for Innsbruck's swimming facilities. So, what are you waiting for? Good luck!

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MCI | The Entrepreneurial School®
Universitaetsstraße 15 - 6020 Innsbruck / Austria
+43 512 2070-0 | | Impressum | AGB

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